For the second consecutive year, the Professional Program in Nursing will be offering an extraordinary opportunity for RN to BSN students and alumni to participate in a travel course to Cuernavaca, Mexico. This 3 week travel course (N499) will run from December 27, 2010 – January 17, 2011 (including New Years Eve in Mexico!). Students will have the opportunity to learn about Mexican culture and healthcare and take Spanish language immersion classes (tailored to your level of language proficiency). Language class will occur each morning; Afternoons will be spent with speakers and field trips related to culture and healthcare. Cuernavaca is a beautiful city, dubbed the City of Eternal Spring, for its temperate climate. It is located about 90 minutes drive from Mexico City.
This course may be counted for either a world culture requirement, special topic in nursing elective, therapeutic nursing intervention (TNI) elective or (after consultation with Dr. Chris Vandenhouten) towards the Community Health Nursing Practicum. There is no language requirement for this program. Alumni will need to complete an application as “Special Students” for purposes of the trip. All participants need to have passports. The total cost for this experience (including airfare, lodging, tuition, etc.) will run about $3000. The exact cost and final details will be available soon. Registration will begin after September 1, 2010. Please contact Ruth Pearson (920-465-2826 or if you are interested in this exciting opportunity. Gracias!
A good trip, there is the city that made me curious is the container town. And one time I had to travel to Mexico. Thanks. ~ Meksiko
The concept of offering students the opportunity to become aware of and (at least for a short time) immersed in the ways of life in another culture is amazingly beneficial, both for the individual students and for the group as a whole.
One of the prime benefits of travel is the opportunity to discover about people and cultures in other parts of the world. In today’s fast moving society, the level of understanding that many of us are able to achieve from our travels is just a snapshot of an airport, journey to our accommodation, a few days (if we’re lucky) roaming the streets, then on to the next destination.
This course gives you a great chance to find out not only about how people live in Cuernavaca, but also how this lifestyle is reflected in Mexico’s health care sector.
For anyone working in the human services sector nowadays, any opportunity to expand an understanding of other cultures, languages and expectations should absolutely be grabbed.
My own personal driving force is to work with travel agencies and others in the travel sector to offer better experiences and opportunities to understand of a range of cultures for everybody. Not only does this make the travel experience better, but it also has a real impact on your own personal growth and development.