Category: Events

Provost Office Hours 0

Provost Office Hours

Provost Kate Burns will be hosting open office hours on Tuesday, April 30th from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM in the Manistique Room (UU101B). Feel free to stop by to ask questions, share ideas,...


Electronics Recycling is Sat. April 27

Register to recycle electronics at UWGB before spots fill up! (Registration is now required due to popular demand!) The event will be on Saturday, April 27 between 2-5pm in the Weidner Parking Lot C....


Food Truck Fridays returns this spring!

Food Truck Fridays The University Union is hosting Food Truck Fridays this spring, which will bring a different local food truck to the Green Bay campus on April 12, April 19, April 26 and...

Cofrin Student Grant Symposium on April 8th 0

Cofrin Student Grant Symposium on April 8th

The UW-Green Bay Cofrin Center for Biodiversity invites you to attend our annual Cofrin Student Grant Symposium in which students present on their research or a project they’ve been working on over the last...