Author: lacountk

Sustainability Summit at UW-Stevens Point 0

Sustainability Summit at UW-Stevens Point

Sponsored by the Universities of Wisconsin, we invite you to present, share your expertise, and learn from colleagues. Join us September 19-20, 2024 as we come together on the UW-Stevens Point campus to explore...

Provost Office Hours 0

Provost Office Hours

Provost Kate Burns will be hosting open office hours on Tuesday, April 30th from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM in the Manistique Room (UU101B). Feel free to stop by to ask questions, share ideas,...

Provost April Office Hours 0

Provost April Office Hours

Provost Kate Burns will be hosting open office hours on Tuesday, April 30th from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM in the Manistique Room (UU101B). Feel free to stop by to ask questions, share ideas,...


Unwinding Anxiety – Free Virtual Seminar

Anxiety levels are increasing individually and collectively in the modern day. Faced with uncertainty, and an overabundance of information (and misinformation), among other challenges, our minds struggle to keep up. Our brains default to...