Author: Daniela Beall

Attend a Clean Energy Info Session 0

Attend a Clean Energy Info Session

Energize Green Bay (City of Green Bay) is pleased to invite you to a neighborhood clean energy info session to be held in the Alumni Room of the University Union at UW-Green Bay (or...

“Searching for Sustainability” Film & Discussion 0

“Searching for Sustainability” Film & Discussion

The “Searching for Sustainability” 70-minute documentary explores the challenges and solutions we face in our collective search for sustainability. Explore the intersection of food production and sustainable use of soil and water resources. Much...

Complete the UWGB Commuting Survey 0

Complete the UWGB Commuting Survey

As the academic year comes to a close, the Office of Sustainability is asking that faculty, staff, and students complete our commuting survey. This survey takes 5 minutes and allows us to complete our...


Electronics Recycling is Sat. April 27

Register to recycle electronics at UWGB before spots fill up! (Registration is now required due to popular demand!) The event will be on Saturday, April 27 between 2-5pm in the Weidner Parking Lot C....


Register for Electronics Recycling

Due to high demand, registration will be required for the free electronics recycling on Saturday, April 27, 2024. Find detailed information via the facebook ticket link:

Register for Autism Thinking and/or Mental Health First Aid 0

Register for Autism Thinking and/or Mental Health First Aid

The Academic Staff Professional Development Programming Committee (ASPDPC) is sponsoring two training opportunities this semester for all staff and faculty, though priority will go toward academic staff. Registration is required and details are below. “Autism Thinking”...

Nominations open for Sustainability Awards 0

Nominations open for Sustainability Awards

Nominate students, faculty, and staff for a Sustainability Award at the Earth Caretaker Award Ceremony and Sustainability Showcase! Taking place on Earth Day (April 22, 2024), the event will inspire our community with stories...