Wolf co-author in Nature, Science papers

UWGB professor Amy Wolf and emeritus professor Robert Howe have co-authored recent papers in both Nature and Science. The Nature paper, published in March 2024, was led by Dr. Lisa Hülsmann of the University of Bayreuth in Germany (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07118-4.pdf); the Science paper, available online on October 4, 2024, was led by Dr. Lalasia Bialic-Murphy of ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Both papers are international collaborations involving researchers at long-term forest research sites in the Smithsonian Institution’s ForestGEO network. Wolf and Howe have led research at one of the first temperate-zone ForestGEO sites, the Wabikon Forest Dynamics Plot in northern Wisconsin near Crandon. Wolf and Howe established the plot in 2008 with emeritus Herbarium Curator Gary Fewless and former students Kathryn Corio and Juniper Sundance. Since 2008, research teams including nearly 50 students (mostly from UW-Green Bay) have tagged, mapped, and measured more than 60,000 individual trees at 5-year intervals, with funding from the 1923 Fund and the Smithsonian. Among the many scientific contributions resulting from this project is a 2024 paper in the journal, Ecology Letters, led by former UW-Green Bay graduate student, Dr. Lukas Magee, now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Notre Dame (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ele.14449).


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