Daily Archive: August 26, 2024

Provost Office Hours 0

Provost Office Hours

Provost Kate Burns is hosting open office hours on Thursday, September 12, from 2:30-3:30 PM in the Wequiock Room (UU101A). Feel free to stop by to ask questions, share ideas, or just chat. (Please...

Shelton leads rally at the Board of Regents 0

Shelton leads rally at the Board of Regents

Democracy and Justice Studies Professor (and UWGB-United President) Jon Shelton helped to organize and lead a rally at the Board of Regents meeting in Madison on Aug. 22 opposing UW-Milwaukee’s proposal to terminate 30...

Shelton helps disabled neighbor get a stop sign 0

Shelton helps disabled neighbor get a stop sign

DJS Professor Jon Shelton helped to organize neighbors to win a stop-sign for a deaf-blind community member when Green Bay’s Director of Public Works refused to do it. https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/local/2024/08/20/for-deaf-blind-son-dad-waited-two-years-for-four-way-stop-sign/74704589007/