Arboretum Trail Closures due to Transmission Line Upgrade

Arboretum Map with Trail Closures
Anticipated trail closure dates in the Cofrin Memorial Arboretum

American Transmission Company (ATC) is upgrading aging underground transmission lines on the UWGB campus.  The lines run through the Cofrin Memorial Arboretum and require trail closures in portions of Mahon Woods, Keith White Prairie, Les Raduenz Woods, and the Niagara Escarpment.  A tentative trail closure map with dates is included in this post, but please note that ATC emphasized that these are tentative dates which are subject to change due to construction delays, etc. The project is expected to continue into fall/winter 2025.

Unfortunately, the work requires significant disturbance within the Natural Area.  The Cofrin Center for Biodiversity has worked with ATC to minimize the long-term impacts of the disturbance, including scheduling work to lessen effects on migratory birds and pollinators, using underground boring (rather than trenching) through a large portion of Keith White Prairie, adjusting the placement of the line to avoid sensitive plant species and important trees, and planning post-project restoration work.

Instructors – ATC is willing to work with faculty and staff to provide access for research and/or classes (when possible), but has requested substantial lead time so the multiple contractors involved in the work can be consulted. If you hope to access any sections of the Arboretum that may be impacted by trail closures or the line upgrade, please contact Natural Areas Manager Andrew LaPlant ( 3 weeks in advance of the date you wish to access the area.  Andrew will work with ATC and partners to determine whether access for your class or research project is possible.

Runners and Trail Users – If your normal route has been disrupted by trail closures, you may be interested in trying the new cross country course at Shorewood, which is open to the public when there are not meets. There are 5K, 6K, and 8K routes that weave through beautiful Oak Savanna and 8-acres of native prairie plantings recently installed by Cofrin Center for Biodiversity staff and students. The cross-country course and restoration work are integrated with a new disc golf course, so please be aware of your surroundings!

All Arboretum Users – Please follow all trail closure signs and instructions from workers on site. If these instructions are not followed, ATC has indicated they will need to put up more extensive barriers to prevent access to work areas. This could impact our ability to obtain special access for classes and research.

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