UW-Green Bay’s Phoenix Phoenoms Rocket Team Takes Second Place
The Phantastic Phoenoms from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay have won second place in the 2024 Collegiate Rocket Launch Competition, presented by NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium at Carthage College!
Each year, WSGC assists in training the next generation of aerospace professionals by challenging student-led teams to design, construct, and fly high-powered rockets. The focus of this year’s competition was to capture a detailed image of a designated ground target at or after apogee while satisfying flight configuration parameters. By leveraging their skills in modeling, analyzing numerical flight simulations, and programming electronics and embedded systems, they successfully captured imagery of the ground target. They are eager to present the details of their work at the 34th Annual Wisconsin Space Conference, hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee!
The members of the Phantastic Phoenoms team are Unique Vang, Elly Purdy, Dalton Kowalkowski, Caitlyn Hendricks, and Bryon Cobb (pictured). The team says that this accomplishment could not have been achieved without the aid of Tyler Krause, Justin Vang, Nathan Jarvey, and Lewis Mullen. All students listed are Mechanical Engineering students in R.S.E except Caitlyn Hendricks (Mathematics and Statistics) and Bryon Cobb (Computer Science).