Voyageur Magazine Article Discusses Early History of “Eco U”
Professor David Voelker’s (History & Humanities) article “Aldo Leopold and Conservation in Green Bay” in the Winter/Spring 2025 issue of Voyageur: Northeast Wisconsin’s Historical Review includes a section on the influence of Leopold’s Sand County Almanac at UWGB during the early 1970s (and beyond). Voelker examined course catalogs and syllabi from the early seventies in the University Archives and interviewed Dr. Estella Lauter, who taught at UWGB from 1971 to 1994. Voyageur magazine is published by the Brown County Historical Society and is edited and produced at UWGB. The magazine is available at the Cofrin Library’s Archives and Area Research Center and at the Brown County Library. Issues can be purchased from the Brown County Historical Society and Bosse’s in De Pere.