Professional Development Opportunity: Supporting Our LGBTQ+ Students & Community

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Join the Pride Employee Resource Group (ERG) with their guest speaker, Diverse and Resilient’s Nick Ross, for a seminar centered on supporting our LGBTQIA+ students and other members in the community.
Tuesday, April 8
Noon – 1 p.m.
Christie Theatre (University Union, Green Bay Campus)
All faculty and staff are welcome to join us.

About the Presenter:

Nick began advocating for the LGBTQ+ community at age 15, when they and their peers fought to form one of the first GSAs in Northeast Wisconsin at Neenah High School.  The success of this effort sparked a chain reaction of GSAs forming throughout the region.  The experience of advocating for themself and their peers as a young person fostered a lifelong passion for social justice that Nick carries into their work for Diverse & Resilient as Community Education & Outreach Advocate. In their “spare” time, Nick serves as the first openly LGBTQ+ school board member for Appleton Area School District, and one of Nick’s other passions is encouraging other LGBTQ+ people to run for public office! Nick plays console RPGs, cooks, bakes, and enjoys cuddle piles with their husband and two cats.

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