Green Bay Campus Clothing and Household Swap! Time to bring your donations!

Think spring and living green! It is time to bring your donations for the Spring Clothing and Household Swap sponsored by the Campus Cupboard and the Pride Center! The Swap (not really a swap, just come and take what you and your family can use) is at the Green Bay campus in the University Union Phoenix rooms on March 26, 3-6 PM, and March 27, 8 AM to 3 PM. The Swap is scheduled for two days to offer extended shopping options for students and employees.  Gently worn clothing for all ages, household, linens, kitchen, decor, books and media, small lamps, sporting goods whatever you wish to share with students, staff and faculty are needed. You can now bring your donations to the Pride Center, or you can bring your donations to the Phoenix Rooms the morning March 26. If you have 30 or more minutes to spare, please volunteer to set up on Tuesday, March 26, between 8 AM to 3 PM, or help pack up on Wednesday, March 27 anytime from 3 PM to 4:30 PM. For more information, please contact Stacie Christian, at Clothing Swap Poster (1)spring2024

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