Civics Week is coming next week (March 3-6)
Student Engagement Center, Center for Civic Engagement, and Good Times Programing invite everyone on campus and in the community to the UWGB inaugural Civics Week! There will be several events highlighting the value and joys of civic engagement. Please come to one or all of the events!
Farmers Market Bingo
Monday, March 3rd, 7-8:30pm, Phoenix Rooms
Learn more about community organizations, how to be civically engaged and win prizes!
Poverty Simulation
Tuesday, March 4th, 4-6pm, Mauthe Center (please note the change of location)
Volunteer or attend!
The goal of this simulation is to educate participants about what it is like to be in different financial situations and spread awareness of the struggles that often go unseen.
Women History Month Trivia
Tuesday, March 4, 6-7:30pm, Phoenix Club
Feeding Our Future
Wednesday, March 5, 3-5pm, Phoenix Rooms B and C
Create dry food jars to stock the Campus Cupboard!
Bridging the Divide: Homelessness
Wednesday, March 5, 5-7pm, Mauthe Center
Share a meal and learn more about how to have civic dialogue around the homelessness issue in Brown County.
Join or Die film screening + Joining Fair
Thursday, March 6, 4-6 pm, Christie Theater
Campus + community organizations will be available after the film to showcase ways you can get involved with their cause.