Phuture Phoenix 5th graders to visit the UW-Green Bay campus

The Phuture Phoenix program is thrilled to share that UW-Green Bay will host nearly 1,000 fifth grade students from Title I schools across Northeast Wisconsin this spring! Watch for the kids in bright yellow t-shirts on Thursday, March 6th and Wednesday, April 16th. UW-Green Bay student role models will act as tour guides offering the children a window into what it’s like to go to college and inspiring them to think about their own post-secondary aspirations.

Research shows that long-term attitudes toward higher education and life-long learning begin to take shape as early as 5th grade. College prep starts early, and the Phuture Phoenix campus experiences offer youth from underrepresented communities a first-hand look at the necessary steps to pursue and attain higher education goals.

This is also a fantastic opportunity for UW-Green Bay students to engage in service for our community. Students from all majors are encouraged to volunteer for one or both days. This opportunity gives them a chance to work on their leadership and communication skills, and volunteer experience looks great on a resume. Everyone gets a free t-shirt and, if they participate both days, they can earn a credit!

Students interested in volunteering as a role model can use to this link to learn more. For more information about the Phuture Phoenix program visit our website.

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