Due to some large donations of books over the summer, our storage rooms are overflowing again and it’s time for another Book Sale! The Fall Book Sale will be held Thursday, Sept. 18th through Friday, Sept. 26th, during Library hours,
Author: liebergl
New Books – September 2014
A hearty “Welcome” to new students and faculty and “Welcome Back” to those returning to our campus. We, at the Cofrin Library, are so glad to have you here. We have been working hard all summer on maintaining our award-winning levels
New Books – August 2014
Summer is winding down, and you can almost feel the anticipation of a new school year in the air. Get a jump on your friends and come in to check out all the new books we have added to the
New Books – June 2014
The weather is heating up outside, but we here at the Cofrin Library continue to add cool new titles to our collection. In addition to the new books that we have listed below, we have also been hard at work replacing our VHS
New Books – May 2014
Another school year may have come and gone, but here at the Cofrin Library we are still hard at work adding great new items to our collection. Come and check them out! To search for the call number and location,
Spring Book Sale – UPDATE
UPDATE: From 8 am to 3 pm on Tuesday, April 29th, for the last day of the Book Sale, all items marked down to .50 cents each. Lots of great titles still available! Due to some recent large donations
New Books for April 2014
As you may have been relaxing over Spring Break and refueling for the second half of the semester, the Cofrin Library was hard at work picking out some great books to add to our collection. We have really added some
New Books for March 2014
Looking for a book to take on Spring Break with you? We have added some great new titles to the library shelves this month! To search for the call number and location, type the book title into the Search@UW box