Bring Along Your Exercise Equipment

You don’t have to leave exercise behind when you head to the office or take off on a trip. Here are some ideas you can consider today to keep up your fitness routine while on the road:

  • Pack a jump rope. Jumping rope for 15 minutes burns about 150calories, and it can give you as vigorous an aerobic workout as running 1 mile.
  • Use resistance bands, or exercise tubes, to build strong muscles and bones. These lightweight tools fit easily in a desk drawer or carry-on luggage.
  • Clip a pedometer to your waist each morning and count every step you take. In one recent study, women who used a pedometer were more likely than non-wearers to meet their goal of 10,000 steps a day.
  • Walk or jog in place. Then drop down for pushups and abdominal crunches. No equipment is required.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC

workout on vaca