SECC- Final Days to Give!



To those of you who have already given, congratulations we are nearly to our 2017 goal!  If you haven’t had the chance to participate there is no better time than now!  We are nearly to our goal and with just a $1 a pay period contribution you can help ensure we meet that goal by the end of the month!  Remember the campaign ends on November 30th so there is only one day left to give!    Donate Today, Don’t Delay!

If every person eligible to participate in the campaign donated just $1 a pay check for a year we would raise over $698,000!  While $1 a pay period may not seem like a lot to you, collectively it can mean a world of difference to those in need!

The SECC Statewide is a workplace giving campaign that offers you the opportunity to donate to one or more of the more than 400 charities that participate via payroll contribution, check or cash.  Giving through your work place is as easy as ever!


Not sure how much to give?  See below for what $1 a pay check can do:

  • $1 a pay check provides an individual diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes with a cookbook to help them learn what and how to eat to manage everyday living. (Community Health Charities of Wisconsin)
  • $1 a pay check pays for a low-income family’s membership in our CSWA through our Food-to-Share fund. (Community Shares)
  • $1 a pay check provides a set of guidebooks and hiking trail maps for the more than 30 public preserves for the use of school groups during their visits. (EarthShare Wisconsin)


Again, it’s quick and simple!  I encourage you to log in and consider making a contribution because every dollar really does make a difference.

The campaign runs through November 30th.  If you have questions or would prefer paper materials, please call 608.256.1066.

To make your pledge online (please note, the online tool is only for state employees who work outside Dane or Milwaukee counties):

  • Go to
  • Click on the link for State employees
  • To register click on ‘Yes’ under “Is this your first time logging into this system?” (if you used the system last year, please click on ‘No’ and use your username and password from last year).
  • Choose your department and fill out the information to register.
  • Follow the instructions on the website to complete your pledge.
  • If you would like to give via cash or check or would prefer paper materials, please call 608.256.1066.