Public Scholarship connects teaching and academic research with people and communities beyond the scope of the university. In most cases, this happens on an individual basis, through grant-funding, fellowships, and social media accounts.

What makes the Public Scholars Program within Good CAHSS Productions at UWGB different is that we are building a team. Our program is unique in that we recruit and train academics to share their work beyond the academy in a way that is sustainable and self-generating. Experienced public scholars with established networks and platforms work with emerging scholars to craft their research and expertise for the public sphere. We then pool resources and leverage our existing followership to expand our offering of research-based accessible scholarship. 

With every cohort of the Public Scholars Program, we are providing an expanding matrix of knowledge and intellectual content that is free for everyone. We are an Access Institution, and this program epitomizes that designation. 

Public Scholars

Zack Kruse
Qiushan Liu
Rachel Sankey
Alison Jane Martingano
Michelle McQuade Dewhirst
Tara DaPra
Ryan Martin
Jennie Young