By Lexus Partipilo and Grace Soenksen
Winter break is a chilling time for college students, full of opportunities and not nearly enough time.
Winter break refers to the scheduled break from school that divides the first and second semesters in an academic year. The break typically starts around late December, right after class finals, and continues until mid-to-late January, for an average of three to four weeks off from school.
This break is important for both personal and academic reasons. One of these reasons is that after a semester of hard work, a break to focus on something other than academics is needed to avoid burnout and allow students to experience life at all levels. However, three to four weeks can seem like a lot of time away from the academic habits students have worked hard to develop, and too long a break can make it difficult to go back to school as normal. Therefore, it is important for college students to understand that winter break can serve as a time of recovery, reflection, and preparation to help students recharge and grow during this time off.
Paris Grabian, a third-year student at UWGB, shared, “Break is important because it allows students to rest and recharge. It allows students to reconnect with their family and gives them time to reflect on their academic progress while preparing for the next semester.” So, here are some ways college students can make the most of their winter break this year to improve their success socially, academically, and personally in the future.
Relax and Recharge
The first thing students can do over break is relax and recharge. Mental health and physical recovery should be a priority over winter break to ensure students are well-rested and ready for the next semester. This is especially important in the first week of winter break when students are just finishing off the time management and stressful factors of finals, long study sessions, and consistent coursework. Taking time to focus on oneself can prevent burnout and improve productivity for the rest of winter break and moving into the next semester. Students can relax and recharge by simply prioritizing rest, unplugging electronics, spending time with friends and family, finding a hobby, and practicing self-care.
Work Experience

Another way many students spend winter break is by working. With the open hours of not having classes and not having to study, students have more time to save money and gain work experience. This can include anything from part-time jobs to internships or even volunteer opportunities. All of these can help benefit students during winter break as it helps students maintain a consistent schedule and gives them the experience to help round out the students’ future resumes. Kaylee Mueller, a fourth-year student graduating this spring, stated, “I am staying on campus over break; it will allow me to keep a consistent routine and work my on-campus job.” Another student staying on campus for work is Alayna Kroll. Kroll stated, “Over break, I am most looking forward to working more hours while being able to feel stress-free about schoolwork.”
Next Semester Preparations

The final way students can spend winter break is by preparing for the next semester. Makayla Robinson, a 2024 UWGB graduate, explained, “Once the spring semester starts back up, you have to get back into the groove of everything.”
According to the Rutgers Learning Center, there are five simple steps students can take when preparing for the next semester of school: stay active, stay motivated, take time to reflect, stay committed to learning, and make and complete an action plan. Grabian stated, “Winter break allows me to improve on my study habits from last semester… it gives you time to reflect on what you could do better after the break.”
When reflecting, individuals should identify academic missteps that may have occurred during the year and consider changes they would like to make moving forward. When creating an action plan, they should focus on tasks and goals that college-age students typically complete during a break, such as revamping a resume, creating a cover letter, building a LinkedIn profile, researching internship opportunities, taking a winter course, and setting academic goals.
These are just a few of the ways students can make the most of winter break. This winter break, remember to recharge and reflect, look for work experiences, and prepare for next semester by staying active, motivated, committed to learning, and creating an action plan.
Moss, Terrel. “Staying Productive During Winter Break.” Rutgers Learning Center, 19 Dec. 2023,