By Ben Savage & Jacob Slinkman
Graduation season has concluded for UWGB students who completed their studies this fall. Finishing school brings about many questions for graduating seniors and can often be a stressful and anxious time for them. Hearing students’ thoughts on their recent graduation provides perspective for those who might be graduating in the spring, and stories from previous graduates offer current seniors hope that success after graduation might be more attainable than they once thought.
Several soon-to-be graduates were asked about their thoughts regarding the months following their graduation ceremony. While they wished to remain anonymous, their insights and thoughts were enlightening. The general consensus was “… no matter how prepared you are, there is always a level of uncertainty that comes with graduation. Life can take you to so many places. It’s hard to know where we’ll be five years from now or even one year from now.”
Although the future may seem uncertain, it does not necessarily indicate a lack of opportunity. “We know that our hard work will pay off, sooner or later.”
Despite the uncertainties of post-graduate success, UWGB graduates, on average, find placements in their field more often than not. Drew Stephani, a UWGB alumnus and 2019 graduate, is one such example. Stephani graduated with a degree in communications and is now the communications specialist for the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association). Stephani was interviewed about how UWGB prepared him for his current role and his experiences in the months following graduation.

Stephani graduated in 2019 with a communications degree, and it took him about three to four months to find and secure his first job post-graduation. Stephani said, “My first job out of college wasn’t really relevant to my degree.”
A few years later, Stephani became the Communications Specialist for the EAA, which he says aligns a lot more with his educational background. Stephani said, “I routinely apply much of what I learned in my college courses to my current role.”
Despite having to wait to find something that reflects his educational background, he found success relatively soon after finishing his last class. The advice he has for soon-to-be graduates is, “Networking goes a long way. Every new person you meet can present you with exciting opportunities to advance your career.”

The anxiety that comes with graduation often revolves around finding a role where students can apply what they learned in college to their daily work. Stephani said that having patience is important, and “talent doesn’t go unnoticed… you’ll find the right role for you sooner than you think.”
Career Planning and Career Advising are both tools available to UWGB students. These services are aimed at providing students with tools to put them on a successful path that carries over into post-graduate life. Resume help, career advising, and organizing job fairs are just some of the things they do to help students find success.
They recommend getting students’ resumes updated, as well as taking a careful look at Handshake for opportunities in the weeks and days leading up to commencement. This can help ease the stress and frustration of stepping into the real world.
Graduation is a challenging and rewarding accomplishment. While it can bring about feelings of anxiety and instability, it is a new chapter in every student’s saga. Success is waiting for everyone, and success looks different for every student. Hearing Stephani’s story and knowing that there are services here to guide students through the next steps are reassuring and offer a breath of fresh air for those who have already graduated or are graduating soon.