By Ben Savage & Jacob Slinkman
Chartwells is the main catering company that provides the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay (UWGB) with food for all of its dining locations. These locations include the Social House (formerly the Marketplace), Phoenix Street Subs, and Melt Lab (formerly the Grill). The list also includes the smaller divisions of the main three, including the Cornerstore and various other options. According to the university’s website, Chartwells has been UWGB’s caterer since August 2016. They have been championed for their food diversity and inclusivity, as well as providing students with options that are gluten and allergen-free.
In recent years, however, the quality of food served has been a debatable topic for students who rely on Chartwells for food. Complaints of food lacking flavor, causing stomach issues, and less diversity in the food served are just a few of the concerns students have brought up.
Many students who live on campus rely fully on Chartwells for all of their meals. Those who do not have a reliable way to travel off campus have no choice but to eat at one of Chartwells’ on-campus locations. One such student is Jackson Ryan, a sophomore living on campus. Ryan says he eats all three meals a day on campus, including on the weekend. On the weekend especially, he says it is “difficult to find something fresh that I want to eat.” When asked to rate the food that Chartwells offers on a scale of 1 to 10, Ryan said he “rates it a 5. They are not that consistent, and even the food that I somewhat enjoy isn’t anything too special.” He even went as far as to say that “Chartwells has not been very friendly to my stomach,” showing that even those who rely on Chartwells and eat there every day still find it difficult to enjoy the food that they provide.
A worthy perspective is that of a student-worker who knows Chartwells inside and out. Chartwells hires students, as well as other full-time staff, to work in the various shops and places that serve food to the student body. Despite numerous attempts to secure an interview, we were unable to secure one, or the potential interviewee declined to comment.

The quality of food that Chartwells has been serving has been on a steady decline, according to many, and has led some students who relied on Chartwells to find other sources of food or other places to eat altogether. Grace Soenksen is one such student, who has found other dining off campus to suit her needs better. Soenksen said, “The variety is just not what it used to be, and the quality has also dipped over the past year or so. I’ve found other options off campus that are cheaper than a meal plan and agree with my stomach more.” This decline in quality has been linked by some students to a contract renewal in 2022. Since Chartwells did have a new contract with the university that year, their quality upkeep and control didn’t have to be perfect. “I noticed around then that their food was really good for a short period of time. Then, after their contract was renewed, that effort vanished. I mean, it does make sense,” Soenksen said. When asked if she would ever dine on campus again, Soenksen said, “Not unless the quality drastically improves or a new caterer is brought on. I know I’m not alone in that thought.”

Chartwells quality has been, and will continue to be, a point of contention for students until changes can be made and quality improves. Despite a survey being sent to the student body by Chartwells every year, students are still dissatisfied with how the company has responded to their suggestions. It is unknown if Chartwells will put in a bid for their next contract renewal or if a new caterer will be found to take their place.