By Emma Plank, Charlotte Tenebrini Steckart & Rayney Wilson
In a groundbreaking initiative set to transform the higher education landscape in Wisconsin, St. Norbert College and the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (UWGB) have unveiled a brand new partnership. This collaboration, positioned to reshape academic offerings and enhance student experiences, represents a pivotal milestone in the progression of collegiate alliances. With the convergence of these two prestigious institutions, there is a collective aim to chart a fresh course, integrating their distinct strengths and legacies to establish a formidable hub of learning and creativity. This visionary venture holds the promise of unlocking new potentials and setting a precedent for collaborative excellence in academia.

As universities come together in the future, it is important to look at the comparisons of UWGB and St. Norbert. UWGB is a public institution, making it more accessible for students with different tuition needs. St. Norbert has a tuition of $44,620, with housing priced at $6,776 per academic year. On the other hand, UWGB has a tuition of $8,342, with housing priced at $4,410 per academic year. UWGB is noted for being a cost-effective option among Wisconsin state schools, which may appeal to students with limited financial resources. This allows students to pursue higher education without facing excessive financial strain while still maintaining the quality of their education. While college expenses are inevitably significant, both UWGB and St Norbert offer a range of scholarships, providing additional financial support for students.

The partnership offers students pursuing a degree in economics from UWGB the chance to finish at St. Norberts. St. Norberts students would have the opportunity to take required engineering classes at UWGB. There are also other options for different programs. In the long run, this saves both universities and students money by sharing resources. Tuition rates remain fixed at each school, requiring students to adhere to the tuition rate of their initial enrollment institution.
Jordyn Ossmann is a student at UWGB who is a recipient of the Ron C. and Pauline P. Heim Scholarship. Ossmann is a third-year student majoring in finance and accounting and taking economics courses. Ossmann thought that this was an “exciting opportunity” for students who are able and interested. The idea interested her as well. The ability to take classes at a different campus was something that she liked.

Anticipating the emergence of new majors and bolstering resources resulting from the partnership was another question that was asked. Ossmann said, “I expect this partnership to continue to expand across majors and classes.” She continued to add that it was a smart way to work out any kinks through smaller programs and then expand to different majors. Her hope is that sharing faculty resources will be beneficial to both universities and students.

About the challenges the partnership poses, Ossmann said “It can be seen as an exciting opportunity at first, but as the semester progresses it will be difficult for students to see the benefit of driving to a different campus for classes they could take at their home campus.” It is important that both universities find a way to navigate these issues when working out the technical details.
A key detail that allowed this move between the two institutions to take place is that they had already been sharing resources and developing a relationship. For many years, students have been able to go between the two in regard to language courses. More recently, the two institutions have sponsored together the Great Decisions Lecture series hosted by St. Norbert’s Center for Global Engagement. When speaking to UWGB Chancellor Michael Alexander, and St. Norbert’s Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Mike Marsden, both expressed very positive views regarding this next step forward and the future doors that it is opening for both the student bodies and the organizations. “We’re supposed to be good stewards of our resources, making sure we’re using our resources well for our students and for the community we serve,” stated Marsden, “I believe this could be a model across the country because we’re not in competition.” Alexander expressed similar views, stating, “We’re helping people achieve their educational goals even if it means they don’t necessarily finish at UWGB. It’s about making sure students get the information that they need because they trust that we have their best interests at heart.”

The pioneering partnership represents a significant regional milestone, with the potential to catalyze collaboration among other institutions. While the current progress shows promise, only time will reveal the true outcome. However, initial indicators suggest that the long-term benefits outweigh the costs. As stakeholders continue to invest in this partnership, its impact on the community and beyond may become increasingly evident, solidifying its position as a pivotal moment in regional development.