The Fourth Estate

UW-Green Bay's award-winning student news publication

Food Truck Fridays



By Kaylee Homerding, Maddy Majewski, Abbi Pflum & Abigail Turner

The University Union and Student Government Association have teamed up and will host the food truck event every Friday in April.

On April 1, 2022, the UWGB campus was about to host its first-time event – Food Truck Fridays. Due to the inclement weather, it is canceled for the first week but will be on for the following week. To intrigue others into attending future events, The Comm Voice shared what students should look forward to about this event.

Matt Suwalski discusses how this Food Truck Friday event is an opportunity for the UWGB campus. Suwalski mentioned that it is supposed to provide a different pace of dining options and allow connections to form between UW-Green Bay and the community. Suwalski is most proud of “making a student idea into a reality for our campus. We had this idea, but it was the Student Government Association committee that helped get it off the ground.” He hopes that if the trucks are received well, this could turn into a valuable event.

Keely Palmer, the Student Government Association’s Union and Dining Committee Chair, and Matt Suwalski, the University Union Director, were a few of the creative planners behind the event. Palmer mentioned, “This idea was actually passed down to me from our current SGA Vice President, Jasmine Brown. She had actually started working on finding food trucks last year. When I took over the position, I continued her work as I thought it was a great idea!”

Although this week’s event was canceled, there are so many other trucks to look forward to in the coming weeks. Palmer shared, “I am extremely excited about April 22, as we will be having Taste of Ethiopia on cam us. I got to personally talk to the owner and ask him to come to campus. I enjoyed getting to know him and was thrilled to find out that he is actually an alumnus of UWGB. His food truck is even more special as all of the proceeds go to a home for orphaned children in Ethiopia. I would definitely recommend for people to check out this food truck!”

There is lots of optimism for this event, and the buzz around campus is clear. Leading up to the event, there were posters and handouts seen around campus.

It is safe to say that this event will be a hit. Palmer concluded, “I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with Matt Suwalski (the University Union Director) throughout this year in order to bring Food Truck Fridays from an idea to an actual event! I was lucky enough to be the executive chair of Union and Dining for SGA this year, which allowed me the ability to bring this idea to light. SGA has been a great place to allow ideas to bloom and work to make this campus a better place. I would implore anyone interested in joining to do so!”