By: Ben Savage and Jacob Slinkman
Many students at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (UWGB) participate in intramural sports, from flag football to badminton. Intramurals are accessible to any UWGB student and are managed by University Recreation (UREC). While some administrative staff assist in running the department, the majority of UREC employees are students. Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits that physical activity can have on mental health. UREC contributes to improving the mood, health, and overall quality of life for the UWGB student body.
According to a 2023 study by the National Institute of Health, “Physical activity was shown to help with sleep and improve various psychiatric disorders” (Role of Physical Activity on Mental Health and Well-Being: A Review, 2023). The variety of sports that UREC offers and the ease of access for the student body allow everyone a chance to better their overall health, make friends, and even gain experience with team building. These benefits tend to accumulate, leading to improved mood and sleep quality, which in turn can result in higher academic performance, better class engagement, and an overall enhanced college experience. “According to general results, exercise enhances mood and self-esteem while decreasing stress tendencies, a factor known to aggravate mental and physical diseases” (Role of Physical Activity on Mental Health and Well-Being: A Review, 2023). Another 2023 study conducted by the Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative found that the benefits of team sports surpass those of exercising alone: “Stronger people skills, increased physical fitness, and improved mental health are just some of the many benefits linked to team sports” (The Benefits of Team Sports, 2023).
UREC continually seeks ways to enhance its offerings to the student body. Jeff Willems, UREC Program Coordinator, discussed how intramurals have evolved over the years. “We continue to ask students how else we can support them and what sports or activities they would like to participate in. This is why we have started racquetball, pool, ping pong, and just this past fall, disc golf.” Willems emphasized the importance of maintaining a diverse selection of sports so that all students, regardless of their athletic ability, can find a sport they enjoy. In terms of accessibility, Willems added that intramurals “give them (students) an option of staying healthy and exercising in a way regular weights and exercise programs don’t.” UREC and intramurals aim to offer students multiple ways to stay active, improve their health, and feel connected.

Jace Bletsch avoids having his flag pulled by Jayden Boyce during an explosive catch and run, setting his team up to score in their first game of the flag football playoffs.
Intramurals give everyone the opportunity to get outside, meet new people, and have fun, whether they are on the field playing, or enforcing the rules of the game as a UREC official. UREC hires students to umpire, referee, and keep stats for all of the different sports they offer. Intramural referee and umpire Gabe Nelson says that the intramural program gave him opportunities that he has always wanted, saying that he has “always been interested in officiating sports, and the job with intramurals gave me the opportunity to learn how to do it and enjoy myself while doing it.” The importance of teamwork is well understood by the UREC staff, who recognize that, like the teams on the field, they are most effective when working together. Nelson noted that he found an unexpected group of friends while working for UREC, stating, “The group of employees is like a family that all work together to make the program as successful and enjoyable as possible.” Overall, UREC employees and officials love being out on the field doing their jobs almost as much as the players on the field, and they show that there is a place for everyone in the intramural program, even if they do not want to play but still enjoy sports.

Quarterback Eddie Her dashes for the endzone on the last play of the game to seal his teams’ first playoff win, sending them to the intramural flag football championship game.
While scientific studies and expert opinions provide valuable insight into the benefits of intramural sports, the players’ perspectives offer real-world examples of these benefits. Zach Bridges, a junior at UWGB and a former two-sport athlete said that he “noticed a lot less stress during the intramural season. I look forward to playing every week, and even when I’m losing, I’m happy being out there playing with my friends.” Bridges is not the only person making new connections through intramurals. Jace Bletsch, a participant in both intramural softball and flag football, said that he has been making friends on the field since his first few weeks here at UWGB. “Intramurals helped me make my first friends on campus during my freshman year. Now I’m a junior, and I’m still making new friends every year just by playing intramurals,” Bletsch said. With both Bridges and Bletsch being former high school athletes, they both use intramurals as a way to continue their athletic careers through their adult life. Bridges said, “It’s a great way to feel connected to something I’ve loved since I was a kid.” When asked about changes they would like to see in UREC, both students expressed the desire for more participation. They both see this program as a great way to improve their lives and as Bletsch said, “to stay in shape both physically and mentally.”
Studies have shown sports and physical activity’s positive impact on overall well-being and mental health. Hearing from the experts is only one side of the story. Hearing from those who participate shows real-world examples of these numerous benefits and gives credibility to the studies. Team sports and physical activity provided by intramurals give students a unique opportunity to connect to one another and are a major benefit to the student body.