The Road to Excellence and Triumph


The Road to Excellence and Triumph

            The college experience has been quite the ride in my one-and-a-half semesters here. The apparent goal is to graduate college, earn a degree, and use that degree to pursue a career. It’s why we’re all here, but there is more to college than that, and I think it is important to reflect that in our goals. The two biggest goals that stand out to me are to leave a legacy and pass all of my classes. Leaving a legacy is important because it gives you something to reflect on as the years go by. Being kind, displaying manners, and making friends are just a few ways of leaving a positive legacy. Your small contribution can inspire someone to change the world for the better. My legacy is so important to me that I’ve involved myself with three student organizations and the student government. My name being in the history books and being able to look back on my college years is an excellent source of pride.

(The Triumph of Achilles, painted by Franz Von Matsch 1861 – 1942)

My second goal is not only to pass my classes but also to take something away from each class and push myself to improve. I think we often get the idea that college is a place full of homework and textbooks that you push through just for the degree, but it’s more than that, especially when you take the time to dig deeper into what you’re being taught. Like any school, college is a center of knowledge and learning at my disposal. I owe it to myself to take advantage of these privileges, especially when they are instrumental to me passing my courses. I’m surprised that being in college has reignited the love of learning that was present in my boyhood years. That being said, my goal of passing classes is something I will achieve through continuous time management, planning ahead, and self-motivation. If I’m putting forth my best effort, it has to go beyond just passing my classes. I must commit myself to the joy of learning, life, excellence, and triumph.