Take Charge

I never thought I would take online classes again after experiencing what it was like during COVID-19. However, I found myself trapped between taking an online course or waiting until next semester when an in-person course is open. Not wanting to fall behind, I decided to give it a shot. Taking a course online gave me more responsibilities than if it were in person. There was more freedom since I had the choice to do my assignments whenever I wanted, which is nice but could also turn into a bad thing very fast. It’s important to stay on track. A tip I would give to students is to use planners. Using a planner has helped me a lot with staying organized. What I do is go through my planner and write down the due dates of assignments, the dates of quizzes, or other important things to note. I also check my planner regularly to see what assignments I have to do and cross them off if it’s done. 

cartoon clock running – Search (bing.com)


Another thing I recommend is setting a certain time to work on the online lessons. Doing this encourages me to attend the online course as if I’m going to class in person.  I also make sure to read through every instruction that the teacher has given for lessons and assignments. It helps me prepare and know what to expect. The biggest thing I recommend for students to avoid when taking online classes is procrastinating. This makes it really easy to fall behind. There is no coming to class and having the lecture be face-to-face or having teachers remind you about tests and homework. Taking online classes means that I am in charge and responsible for what I learn.

Count Me In!

On-campus activities are a great way to meet new people, create memories, and connect with the community. During the first few days of college, I struggled to make friends, however, joining activities that involved people similar to me in ethnicity, interests, or generation, helped me a lot. Not only did I gain friends, but I felt a sense of belonging and now have things to look forward to. This is why I feel that people should get involved with on-campus activities. I think it is important to have that connection with the campus community, and through engagement, people can achieve it. 

I often come across upcoming activities through flyers I see in the halls. Then, the first thing I do when there’s an activity, I would like to participate in is check the time and date. Life can get busy, so it is important to keep my schedule in mind and manage my time accordingly. Sometimes, certain days won’t work for participating in my desired activity. Though it’s unfortunate, it’ll be okay. There will always be new events to look forward to. I would recommend students to participate in an activity or event that relates to them, like your major, your ethnicity and culture, beliefs, etc. I think this is more of an effective way to find a place of belonging, make friends, and connect. 

activity college - Bing images

activity college – Bing images 

Break Free

Being away from home has allowed me to taste independence and explore my freedom—no more nagging from my mom about homework or asking permission to go out. Now I get to be in charge of myself. However, independence comes with lots of responsibility, and though being your own boss sounds great, there are some pros and cons that follow. A good thing about being your boss is having a flexible schedule. Compared to high school, where I would wake up around six a.m. to go to school for eight hours, in college, I get to choose what time my classes are. This gives me the luxury of getting more rest, and no more waking up at six a.m. I also get to decide when to eat my meals, unlike high school, where I was assigned a lunch hour. 

But as nice as it is to have control over how I spend my time, it could also make a turn for the worse. A negative thing about being independent is that it’s up to me to keep myself in check. No one is there to constantly make sure I attend class, do my homework, don’t do reckless things, take care of myself, etc. This is why I think time management and self-discipline are so important. Especially now that I’m an adult, I have many responsibilities. I have to set times to take care of my academics, health, and relationships because now I am in charge.


Source: breaking free cartoon – Bing images