Sailing Though, but Hitting some Red Lights

If I were to rate my experience at UWGB right now, it would be 7 out 10. Why? Because in some of my classes I like some of my classes , due to my interest in the content and because they would help me in the future. Surprisingly I do enjoy them even though people may find them boring or they find it having too much information to be stored. But I enjoy them very much. For example, in my computer class there is tons of information to remember. And having to remember the info to put into a studio code app, the code is a pain because I have to remember it, and make sure that the code works, but to me, it’s an interesting class. Another class that I enjoy, is my Writing Foundation class. This is an important class because it helps me improve in my writing ability. What I’m learning helps me improve in other classes like history or science essay, and mostly likely in work field when the time comes.

And obviously, there are classes that I’m not in love with. For instance, my history class, due to the amount of reading that we have every Tuesday and Thursdays, it is not my favorite class. And to be honest, I didn’t really read all of the pages that the professor assign. It’s not the professor, but just the amount of reading. And I cannot really read all of the pages because I start to drift away from the readings and just want to do something else or do other homework. And it does take a large amount of time, because the readings are 15 or more pages depending on the topic. Also having two articles, but the articles are doable. Another thing is having all my exams for that class, becoming an essay exam, which to me is difficult. Because I need to remember what I studied and the chosen topic that I have picked out. Out of the three topics, one of them will be in the handout and then you will write it, but either way I’m enjoying my time at UWGB.

Online Classes: Perfect or Disaster

Online Classes: Perfect or Disaster

In my first semester, I had a math class that was online, and it wasn’t too bad. I only had to open up my laptop and go to Canvas and watch his lectures that he already had lined up for each day every week.

There wasn’t any meeting that we had to be in, which was good because I just had to write down the notes and listen to the video explaining the formula and how we use it to solve the problems and the math textbook was also online and easy to use.

For example, there are times where I would go ahead to the other lecture and start the notes early, so I would only have to do the homework that’s in the online textbook, also having a bit of free time to do other things that I had for other classes. Another thing was, the tests and exams were open notes, because you know it’s an online class, the only thing that he didn’t want you to do is to have another person helping you.

There weren’t many cons for my online class. But in general, having online class meetings can be a pain. What I mean is that you are at home and there are many distractions around the house, so you don’t really care about the meeting. For example, I was in an online classroom in Zoom, we were doing notes, and I was just listening and writing, after that I just started to play games on my phone waiting for the next slide to pop up.

And to be honest I wasn’t really listening, I started to play my games and just waited until the next sides were shown on screen. Another thing that other students did, was they just left their Zoom on and left to do other stuff, which baffles me, because they weren’t going to learn anything, and only wasting their money and then end up being unsatisfied with their grades even thought it was their own fault.