Encountering Beauty and Bettering Yourself

College is definitely a place to look forward to. Our campus is large and beautiful. I remember when I first came to this school, I was shocked by the huge size of the school, and  it is several times bigger than my high school. Big not just in its size, but in its inclusiveness. It’s an international school with lots of international students, and it’s really cool to see how different cultures interact. The scenery of the school is very beautiful, the school has planted a lot of trees, once in the fall is a radiant golden yellow, so that people feel like walking in a painting. The people in the school are very beautiful, too. I have met a lot of very nice teachers and classmates, including my writing class teacher Mrs. Toonen. Because my writing foundation and ability is not very strong, she often give me more time to talk to her one-on-one to revise. At the same time she always give me inspiration for my writing skills, like punctuation usage, proper bridge, etc . She always answer our questions patiently. You can expect to meet your own beautiful life here.

UWGB Panorama

From: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKoytS48UXTFLayKKolvvecvrqwHtw2ARMVwqIl7Re1ZSOSfy2Q6GPUfn-140wxjHC5L0&usqp=CAU

Now I am going to share some advice that may help achieve success and happiness in college. First of all, learn to be active, actively participate in a variety of clubs and activities can expand social surface at the same time enrich  own live. I often participate in the school’s international student exchange activities so I learned about different cultures and customs and made friends from all over the world. Secondly, learn to utilize the school’s resources to the fullest. Schools have fitness rooms open and good students need healthy body. Meanwhile, the school has learning center, writing center, advisor, library, etc. In my case, I often go to the library, where for me is absolutely a quiet study place to go. Last but not least, I would like to say that we need to avoid some behaviors that will affect us. We need to avoid absenteeism, leaving class easily, desertion in class, and not communicating with teachers in time to make sure that we are successful and happy. Lastly, I hope you all have a successful and happy time here.

UWGB’s , multicultural resource center

From: https://www.uwgb.edu/UWGBCMS/media/american-intercultural-center/images/large/group-multi-ethnic-students.jpg

My Second Home

My dorm room, to me, is like my second home. But as a saying goes ‘each coin has two sides’. I would like to start with the shortcomings of residential life. First, the residential life for us freshmen means that we share the room with others as a premise, so we may lack a bit of private space for ourselves, which makes us too transparent.  We may need a bit of our own space to release ourselves and hide some private secrets. Secondly, residential life means sharing the use of large electronic appliances. For example, I live in an apartment where we only have two washers and dryers for dozens of people. Thus, we need more time to wash our clothes due to the lengthy waiting time. Sometimes, we even must wait for another day.

-from own shooting

But for me, the pros of dormitory life outweigh the cons. Our dormitory is warm, like home. In terms of amenities, it has pretty good features. We have a super large refrigerator where we can keep lots and lots of things like ice cream, frozen foods, and fruits for easy food storage. We also have a small kitchen where we can cook, and although I don’t know how to cook for now, I’m determined to cook lots of good food to share with my roommates. My roommate also brought a TV and a microwave, which enriches our lives. But I think the definition of home cares more about its atmosphere, and I think I am very lucky to have met my three roommates. They are all very friendly. For example, we often spend evenings in the living room sharing interesting stories about our lives and are happy to share the differences in our cultures and customs. They also drive me to Walmart to do my shopping and my roommate cooks tacos for me. And then when people are asleep or on the phone, we whisper softly so as not to disturb them. I really like this dorm room atmosphere. I look forward to my future dormitory life, and I hope that my second home will become better and better!

(delicious noodles made by my roommate)

-from own shooting

(Me and my dear roommates)

-from own shooting

Unexpected Gifts

            I received two unexpected gifts from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. The first gift came from the schools and nature here. Just getting off the bus, I was mesmerized by how ecological the schools were. I thought the school was one building after another with dormitories attached, but when I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of grass, trees, and animals like squirrels, chipmunks, and Canada geese all over the campus. These wonderful sights not only made me feel that the school is in harmony with nature, but also lets us students fully experience the beauty of nature. Here, the sky is pink at sunset, and every building is surrounded by grass. Whenever I am tired of homework, I open the window, and the sunlight pours on the grass, warm and beautiful, which at the same time also soothes my tired heart. Just imagine how nice it would be to walk around campus every day after class. 

 – from Own Shooting

         While nature has surprised me, humanity has also surprised me. My second gift is the friendliness and kindness of the people. My roommates are very nice, they didn’t mind my accent at all, and we often talk and eat together on the weekends. I thought it would take a long time for me to communicate with my roommates, but they were very friendly and nice, so we all got along very well. As for the professors, I think they are all very nice and very patient to know that you will complete your every assignment and task, and the one that impressed me the most is Mrs. Toonen; it is her patience and encouragement that made me more confident and clearer about what kind of teacher I want to be in the future. These two surprises make me even more excited for what’s to come!  

     – from Own Shooting