Newfound Pride

Looking back throughout the first few months of college I realize how proud I am. One thing that makes me proud is how well I have been doing at not only getting my homework and studying done but also getting good grades in all of my classes. Roughly two and a half months into college and I have straight A’s. A big factor in this success would be how I have been able to use my time wisely. I have had pretty good attendance in most of my classes and for the classes that I have missed I make sure to talk to the professor beforehand. I have created a good system where after I get back to the dorms after class, I go through my homework and do one piece of work at a time and then    take a short break. This helps me so that I don’t burn out and cannot complete all of my homework because my brain is spent. I believe that using my time wisely is directly correlated with getting good grades in all of my classes.

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In addition to my education so far, I am proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying to talk to people. This has allowed me to make many new friends. With the new friends I have met it makes it much easier to get involved throughout campus. More specifically would be intramurals, growing up I have always been big into sports, but going into college that was going to change. So far, my friends and I have joined and played sand volleyball and now just started our winter basketball league. I am proud because I have never played either of these sports throughout my childhood and yet I have been playing fairly well and helping the team out. I have also stepped out of my comfort zone in a few other ways including trying new food and asking more questions during my classes.

To dorm or Not to Dorm

There are many pros and cons about living in the dorms at college. Although I personally like dorms, there are definitely some cons to the dorms. I have made my bed area and dorm room as cozy as I could and yet I still struggle to fall asleep most nights.  I even put a mattress topper on my bed, and yet I am always too hot or too cold or unable to get comfortable. This has caused a lot of stress and sometimes hardship in my classes the next day because it is hard to stay focused and pay attention. Another con would be that I have had multiple problems with the washer and dryers in the laundry room. A few of the dryers wouldn’t start and I therefore had to hang up and airdry my clothes for hours. Lastly, another con would be not having a lot  of space to move around and do things like in my house.     Pic Source: BBC News

Although there are some cons about living in the dorms, I believe that the pro’s outweigh them. The main pro is how much easier it is to meet new friends and to hang out with other people. For example, the first week when I came to college, I thought it was going to be hard to meet other people, but since I was living in the dorms, I started to meet and talk to new people. This has allowed me to make a few really good friends and we even started a volleyball intramural team. Another pro is I don’t have to commute from my apartment or house. It is just a short walk to all of my classes; this not only saves me time but also money for gas. These are just a few of the many reasons I believe that living in the dorms in beneficial and better than being a commuter, especially as a freshman.

Exceeding Expectations One Day at a Time

            Thinking about college had always been scary. Throughout junior year and the start of my senior year my classmates and friends were starting to apply and get accepted to colleges. I started to feel a ton of pressure and felt as though I was so far behind and was lost. I soon started to visit colleges and found that UW Green Bay was the one. I was expecting to come to college and have to spend lots of my time studying and working on homework 24/7. Literally, every one of my high school teachers told us it was a completely new level of work. Not to mention I was very afraid I was going to have a hard time meeting new people since I am on the quite side most times.

            Once arriving at college, I got all settled in and started to meet more and more people. Looking back, I am very proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to talk to new people. It definitely helped that everyone else was looking to meet new friends as well.    Schooling wise, getting my schoolwork done so far has been fairly easy for me. I have gotten all my work done on time and have got good grades on all of my exams so far. Outside of school, I joined an intramural team with some of the friends I have made, it surprised me how fun it actually is. I have had a great first month of college and I hope everyone else has too.

Source for picture: Thrive Global