Top Secret Success Plan for My Freshman Year of College

 I would consider myself to have had a good first semester as a freshman at UWGB. I initially didn’t think it would be that way though. During the first few weeks of the semester, I was so overwhelmed with my classes and meeting new people that it completely took me by surprise that I had to change the way I went about school. In high school, I coasted by and was able to get away with not studying, missing a couple of assignments, turning things in late, etc. In college though I quickly realized that it wasn’t the same and that if I wanted to get what I needed from college I had to make some very significant changes. With those changes, I have made myself happy and stable and have given myself what I need to make things work for me. 

The biggest change that I have made is the way I go about my entire day. I have made myself a schedule on my phone with things that I need to do like homework, shower, clean, etc., and have made a to-do list for the week on my computer. The reason I have them on separate things is that I use my phone daily so having these things that are quick on there as a reminder is beneficial to me and my to-do list is on my computer simply because I use my computer for homework and then it forces me to do at least a little bit every time I need to check that list. Another thing that I have changed that I think has made me successful is that I haven’t set time restrictions on myself or my schedule. I do let myself have ideas of when I need to get stuff done but I do not plan it out behind the minute because I have found that it is so much more stressful that way. As a college student you need to prepare for things to randomly come up or change and just having a general idea of what to do has made those changes more manageable and has made it so much easier for me. 


Play a Leading Role in Your College Experience

          Getting involved in on-campus activities is a staple part of the true college experience. If you don’t get involved in at least some of the activities offered to you, college will start to feel like it is a burden to you and you could end up burning yourself out. College life is going to be one of the hardest things that someone could go through. It is hard because there is that transition between high school and college. In high school, all of the activities that were offered to you were either forced onto you or they were made out into something that wasn’t going to be fun. In college though, there are a lot more things that are offered that are almost all optional and there is going to be something that is geared to please everyone. 

          At the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, many events occur every week. Some of these events that I go to or am a part of are FSL, bingo, GB nights, trivia, etc. All of these events are extremely fun and give you an excuse to get out of your comfort zone, out of your dorm, away from your school work, and give you time just to have fun. But with all these events going on, it is very easy to get overly involved because you fear missing out. Even though all of these events are new and fun and exciting, a main priority needs to be your studies. A way to make it easier on yourself to miss out on things is to find people who are in your major, people who understand your workload, and attend events with them while also missing events with them. If you have these connections with people who also know how to prioritize their studies over fun sometimes, it‘ll make it easier for you and them in the long run. College is meant to be a good time for people to try new things, meet new people, etc. It is also something that you are paying for so that you can get that higher education. Both your fun and your education need to be a priority and they can be well balanced with time.





The New Parts of a Beginning

The start of my college life has been nothing less than eventful. I’ve noticed so far that there hasn’t been a day that I did want to talk to someone about it. Every day since the start of college, I have called my mom, my brother or even just sat with one of my friends that I have made here and simply told them about all of the amazing things that had happened that day. That can and does go so many ways whether it is about academics or something that happened, it has always been fun. After 4 weeks of college, it has become nothing that I have expected. My first expectations of college were that I would have no friends, that my roommate would hate me, I would be failing all my classes and so much more. Fortunately for me only of those expectations have come true.

There have been countless reasons why I would call my college experience eventful. Throughout my month here at college, I have already become a member of several clubs and a sorority which has helped me make even more friends. I have never seen myself being into the stuff that I am now a part of but I have also never been happier than I am now. I am doing well in almost all of my classes which is something I never thought I would be able to say because of how many times I was told throughout high school that college is hard and that it is going to completely tire me out. I have let my past and others’ opinions guide me through life by taking control of all of my thoughts and now that I locked that stuff out, I never would have imagined how happy I am and how strong I have become.
