Learning How to Grow

For the most part, I’ve found that I’ve been thriving in my new surroundings at college. I was very happy by the amount of assistance and guidance I received from the faculty and staff, because my high school counselors and teachers did not provide much preparation. I’ve also been able to efficiently manage my tasks and keep on pace with their help.  Having become stronger at time management is one thing I’m proud of. My habit of procrastinating and leaving assignments until the last minute was common throughout my time in high school. I can now, however, prioritize my responsibilities and even turn down social activities in order to give more time to finish my schoolwork. I have really improved with my new skill of time management. Despite what I was expecting, I don’t hate going to college. I was surprised to find that I actually enjoyed going to my early morning classes and exploring the campus. It’s grown to be an enjoyable and friendly place for me.
I am aware that I could do better in a few areas, though. One aspect of this is reading the class course materials. When my professor assigns videos rather than written material, I find it difficult to watch them. Even though watching videos isn’t very difficult, I realize that it’s important to keep up with the latest information and that I should read the assigned materials more consistently. Also, I have had some trouble studying for two of my classes’ exams. Having trouble with these exams can occasionally make me feel down and negatively affect my day, though not to the point where it jeopardizes my performance overall. I’ve been experimenting with different methods of study for dealing with this, and I’ll keep trying to figure out which strategy works best for me. Finally, I’ve noticed that I’m spending less time with my friends. While my studies  have benefited from my improved time management skills, I admit that I might have been spending excessive amounts of time on college-related tasks. I am aware of how crucial it is to preserve a positive work-life balance, and I plan to  try to set aside more time for hanging out with my friends.


Living Through the Pain

College stressors are more common now than ever, especially since it’s midterm season. The stress of having to perform well academically while also carrying out a variety of responsibilities is still very challenging for me. Time management is something that I find difficult. I’m always trying to learn different ways to get better at managing my time. The ability to find a balance between personal, academic, and self-care is very important to me. I try to figure out methods to reduce stress and increase productivity during this busy time so I can succeed in my education while also trying to enjoy my time at UWGB. 

Along with the challenges of time management and academic stress, there is one particular class in which I struggle in. Education is the core part of this class. I occasionally forget to finish the required readings for that certain class, which is one of my biggest problems. However, I have been making an effort to improve this by putting strategies into place, such as putting reminders and making a study schedule.  Having the class in the early morning is another issue that makes it difficult. My brain isn’t always completely awake and able to process information well during these early hours, which can make learning more difficult for me. Despite these challenges, I am persistent in my determination to figure out how to get around them and make the most out of this education class by always asking for help whenever I get confused or don’t understand the concepts. 


Welcoming The Change

In high school, I had the misconception that all professors in college would be strict and unforgiving when it came to late work. However, my experience in college has shown me that many professors understand the balance between personal and academic life. They are often willing to provide extensions when necessary. Another thing that I was surprised to find out is that some classes have a smaller, more quiet setting similar to high school classrooms. This has been less stressful for me compared to large lecture rooms. While I do have one class with around 110 students, overall, I appreciate the smaller class sizes in college.

The workload in college compared to high school is a topic on which I kind of agree. Yes, it may be overwhelming at times and a little stressful, but it’s not at all what I had in mind. I imagined myself continuously studying at home and never having any free time. Sometimes I have to give up hanging out with friends because of my schoolwork, but I’ve learned that it’s necessary to say no sometimes and prioritize my education.  I’ve learned that having a calendar with my schedule and assignments due each day also significantly  improves my time management. Overall, college is completely different from what I anticipated, but there are many positive aspects, and lately, I’ve been enjoying it. 
