From Deadline to Downtime

     Like most students, I struggle to find the right balance between my schoolwork and personal life. Since I entered college, I learned that there is more time required outside of class to learn and work on the material than in high school. Each professor expects a certain number of hours each student spends on their class. Most weeks I can meet those expectations, but other weeks it can be difficult. A lot of my classes are not easy, and they require that I spend most of my week studying the material. For instance, I am taking medical microbiology this semester and my entire grade for the class relies only on four tests throughout the semester. So, if I fail a test, twenty five percent of my grade is affected, and I cannot get that grade up. No pressure, right? Although my other classes are less intense than my biology class, they still require me to spend a lot of time outside class. 

     Besides my classes requiring a lot of time, finding time for friends and hobbies has also been a challenge. I like to complete everything all at once, so it is a challenge when most of my schoolwork requires me to work on it in steps. When I do stop schoolwork to relax or spend time with my friends, I always have this feeling that I should be working on an assignment. I have had to learn that it is okay to have breaks from schoolwork as long as I am on top of what needs to get done when. Everyone needs a mental break from school once in a while. I have found a good balance for myself, and from deadline to downtime I can effectively use my time.

Uncovering Professors

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 The best discovery I made in college was finding out that professors are not intimidating. Initially I was concerned my professors would be strict and uptight. I soon put that fear to rest because the professors here are far from intimidating. Since I have been here, I have had a professor dress like a spicy pepper to cheer us up for finals. My lab instructor recently came strolling into the lab with plaid pajama pants. I have also had professors who crack jokes, share funny stories, and even sing during lectures. Professors definitely have expectations for students to follow, but they love to remind students that they are human too and want learning to be fun.

     Besides discovering professors are not intimidating, I also learned they love to help students. I thought it would be hard to connect with my professors because they have so many students. I found I was wrong, because my professors took time to get to know me and my goals throughout the semester. Whenever I had a question, did not understand the material, or just wanted to stop by and talk, my professors were available. For example, last semester I got hit with a really bad head cold and had to miss a few of my classes. The professors I had were quick to respond to me about what I had missed in class. I had a professor send me a recorded lesson and another gave me a link to the slides. All of my professors took the time to make sure I was prepared for the next class, and they wished me a fast recovery. I have uncovered that my professors are here to support me throughout my journey in school, and that makes me feel confident about my future here in college.