Being an Open Book

  Some people call this harsh, but most of the time I am right about certain things. But honestly, I do think I have a secret to tell you. It’s not a giant, life-changing secret, but still a secret nonetheless. My secret is….. That I’m doing ok in college. Not amazing, but not horrible. Now that you got most of your gasps out of the way, let me tell you some things.  

  Most of the things I’m revealing to you are basic common knowledge. Go to class even when you don’t want to, make friends that will last a lifetime, balance your time well, etc. I have managed to get these things right, and I’m happy that I got here. I have awesome friends, a good work ethic, and I have time for myself. But I’ll admit, it took a lot to get here. I didn’t come into college having it all figured out. I went to the wrong classes multiple times, hopped from friend group to friend group, and missed some assignments because I just forgot about them. I’ve also put dents in my wallet from losing my ID in less than a week coming here. Pro tip to everyone, don’t lose your ID because that little piece of plastic controls your life. I’m not perfect… and that’s ok. Even though someone’s college life looks absolutely stunning and fabulous, the truth is that they are probably struggling with the same things you are. Even though everyone is struggling, we will all get through it. College will get easier. It just takes more time for certain people. Hopefully, when you get to college, everything works out, even if it takes losing your ID under your bed to fix it. Open Book Clip Art Images – Browse 10,392 Stock Photos …

The Walls Closing In


  Ever since I became an adult, things have been ok. I had a job, access to my family, and was about to head off to college. Now that I’m actually here, things haven’t been the same. College is the first step to being a true adult, and I still have a lot to learn about it. There is a balance of classes, work, a social life, and everything in between. Thankfully, I haven’t fallen off the deep end just yet. I have had days where I am on top of cloud 9, and then I have days where I fell into a deep, dark abyss. The stress of it all randomly appears without any warning and it gets really annoying fast. Like when all of my professors decide that today is the day that everyone assigns big projects that are due in two days. I feel like they are trying to give me a heart attack.  Sometimes I wish that college would be a peaceful island breeze, blowing me through the wind. 

  But college isn’t like that. I knew this going in. But it does hit you hard once you miss an assignment, get a really bad grade, or miss a class. I’m one of those people who hate it when things aren’t exactly perfect. It’s one of the main stressors, besides all of the intrusive thoughts swirling around my head. All of those things piled up in my brain don’t make me feel like sunshine and rainbows. But honestly…. I feel like college wouldn’t be the same without all of the stress. It leads to study sessions with friends, testing out new drinks at the coffeehouse, and feeling the sweet, sweet relief of the final grade. Once you have that grade you worked so hard for, a euphoric atmosphere takes over. Stress is something we have to deal with in our lives. We can’t escape it, no matter how we try. But the best thing we can do is make the best of it and will lead us to a more relaxed future.

College is About the Friends Made Along the Way

  College is a scary, confusing time in anyone’s life. You’re dropped off at a campus and are expected to adapt both academically and socially very quickly. Some people aren’t like that. I am one of those people. When I was in school, I didn’t make friends very easily. It wasn’t because I was unlikable; It was because of my social awkwardness. Making friends was hard for me and I had the same fear going into college. I was worried I was going to just stay in my dorm all day and never talk to anyone. I thought the next four years were going to be worse than the last fourteen years at school.

  Thankfully, I did manage to make some friends. In fact, I made some of my closest friends in the last month. It all started with Skylar, since I met her on the first day. But things in the friend group really got started was when we took a trip to glow bowling. We ended up bowling with these dudes, Matthew, Truman, Miguel, and Jesus, and life changed as we knew it. Together with Courtney and Natalie, our friend group, the Goose Gang, was finally complete. I’m extremely happy that I met these people. I never smiled so brightly with any other friends until I met these people. I’m happy to be pleasantly surprised about this friend group, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.