When Serendipity Knocks

As a newly arrived international student in the U.S., everything around me demanded a fresh period of adaptation. Despite facing numerous challenges, I’ve also experienced many pleasant moments that I had never expected. One of the most striking realizations was the friendliness and sincerity of the people here. Whether it was the student who stopped to help me when my bicycle tire blew out, or the university staff member who patiently explained how to navigate the bus system and pull the wire to make a stop request when I missed my stop, each moment of kindness made me feel deeply connected to this big family. In terms of academics, I was acutely aware that my English-speaking skills were not on par with native speakers. Whenever I tried to ask questions in class but struggled with my words, I felt incredibly embarrassed. Surprisingly, not once did any professor show impatience with my English level, despite it taking more of their time. During group discussions, even though I sometimes required more effort to express my views, my group members were always willing to listen to my voice. I’ve come to find that smiles and understanding are synonymous with the people here, and their inclusiveness has made me treasure every experience even more.

Looking back, I realize how quickly I’ve managed to integrate into thisenvironment and find joy in everyday life, which I had never anticipated. Gradually, I’ve opened up to others, becoming someone whom many refer to as a best friend. In the classroom, I’ve taken on leadership roles, earning praise from group members and teachers. Meanwhile, I’ve also received the most unexpected surprise a few days ago. After visiting my doctor at the wellness center, I was told that I could gradually reduce and even try stopping the medication for my anxiety! I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity to have come here. UWGB has provided me with numerous unexpected joys and valuable lessons for my journey. This experience has been a precious part of my life, teaching me to embrace and contribute to the world with an open heart and a helping hand.

Growth Never Comes from Thin Air

As an international student, I felt incredibly blessed to have such a unique opportunity. Yet, my last semester unfurled a tempestuous chapter in my life. In my first week in the U.S., even before I could acclimate to the entirely new surroundings, I was ensnared by fraudsters masquerading as police officers. Exploiting my naivety of the laws and my trust, they fleeced a substantial amount of money from my family, which is hardly affluent. This unforeseen catastrophe dismantled all my optimistic fantasies about this fresh start. Struggling to extricate myself from the shadow, I simultaneously grappled with additional challenges. My inadequate English skills drained my confidence in class, and confiding in one of my Chinese friend only led to endless indifference. Concealed in solitude, I wept covertly every night, engulfed by the abyss of loneliness and guiltiness.

After I endured countless days and nights wrestling with my gloom, a sudden moment of realization dawned on me: the past was irretrievable, yet the reins of the future remained firmly in my grasp. Envisioning my future, I tried to put more dedication into my schoolwork and English proficiency and chart the roadmap for my internships to make money for the next semester. As I pushed myself to stride forward with faith, the anguish of yesteryears started to fade away into oblivion. I have always believed that it is through enduring hardships that one truly matures. The journey into adulthood is invariably solitary, yet I learned to embrace this solitude and transform my self-doubt into the fuel that propels me forward. Standing taller with each passing day, I started to feel a thriving sense of responsibility and persistence.