Hurdling Over the Hardships

The first semester of freshman year is always scary. Especially being so far away from home in a new place, with new routines, and new people. One of the biggest hardships that I faced last semester was with my ex-roommate. I entered last semester not really knowing my roommate but excited to get to know her. Little did I know it would be one of the most frustrating and draining situations I would have to deal with. We never agreed on anything and she would constantly lie to me about many different things. She used my space as her own and did not respect the space that we lived in, she constantly used my stuff on my desk without asking. The room was always dirty and her side was always full of trash. I eventually put in a room change request. It was an insanely long process and I was not supported by the housing staff. Eventually I got a meeting with a staff member in housing and got the ball moving. It was a long few months full of constant stressors and anxiety. I am happy to say that I finally moved rooms and my new roommate is such an easy person to get along with. My rooming situation in the first semester was a nightmare and I’m glad to be able to move forward. 

Another hurdle that I faced last semester was homesickness. It was extremely hard for me to change up my routine and be away from my family and friends. I felt out of place here at college and I struggled a lot at some points. The first week was full of emotions and I felt like I could never catch a breath. Eventually, I got into a good routine which helped me thrive in classes and in my social life here. I made amazing friends who helped make spending time here fun and easy. Making a home away from home is the thing that makes college possible for me. Having awesome people around me and a stable routine that keeps me on track is so important for my success. I learned to let the little things not bother me and to look at the bigger picture. First semester here at UWGB was a crazy rollercoaster. Full of so many fun times as well as the hard times. I don’t think homesickness will ever really go away completely, but finding ways to ease the struggle is the most important part of entering this new chapter in my life.

The Pros and Cons of Online Courses

To some people online courses can seem daunting and scary. While to others online courses seem like a dream come true. Truthfully it all depends on the student. The pros of online courses are plentiful. Having the option to work from anywhere at any time is something that many students love. It gives a sense of freedom and can take certain stressors of the classroom away. Some stressors can include distractions from other students or even the simple act of getting to class on time. Being able to choose when and how an online course is done can ease some of those stressors and classroom pressures. Some other pros are being able to work at your own pace and somewhat make your own schedule. Personally these are my favorite parts of online courses. I can feel accomplished in my work while going at my own pace and doing the work when the time is right for me. 

While there are many pros to online courses, there are also cons that seem to scare some students away. One of the biggest ones is holding yourself accountable in making sure work is being done in a timely manner and with that also having to be the one who reaches out when help is needed can make online courses challenging. It can be a scary thing for some people and can seem like too big of a commitment or task. Another con that tends to be hard for students is the lack of student to student and professor to student interactions. Some people thrive off of those interactions and can’t do their best without it. It can make the online course intimidating and unappetizing. Another small feat, particularly at UWGB, the online courses cost more to take than the traditional in person classes. This price tag can be a turn off for some people. Cons of online courses are fairly personal to each individual. Weighing the pros and cons of online classes can be a good way to get a perfect class setup for each student