Pros and Cons of College

Overall, there have been a lot of positive aspects to college. One of my favorites is how a normal school day is not 8-3 but varies. When I have only two classes per day, it helps me focus on those certain classes and get the assignments done. Another positive aspect is the independence you develop. When you don’t have someone telling you to do your homework, you learn to do it all on your own. Additionally, I have loved the options you get for food, while in high school you only received one option for lunch and you had to eat it. However, my favorite part of college life is how nice all the professors are. I was expecting the professors to be strict and not understanding but in reality they are nicer than a lot of my high school teachers. 

Not only have there been positives, but also there have been negatives. One of my biggest struggles is not having home cooked meals on a daily basis. Although I have enjoyed most of the food I’ve had at college, nothing will beat a home cooked meal. Another struggle is how long the one assignment takes me. In high school, I took a maximum of 20 minutes on a single assignment, but now I take up to 2-3 hours on an assignment. In all my classes, it seems as if I have an essay due all the time. I never have a break after one essay because in multiple classes I always have a paper due. My last struggle is the distance from home. I live 4 hours away and I didn’t realize how difficult that would be for me, but I’ve realized that I miss my family a lot.



Reality of Dorm Life

There have been a lot of positive parts of dorm life already. Growing up with nine siblings, I never had any time for myself. I could never focus on getting my assignments done because of all the noise in my house. But now that I live in the dorm, all I have is time to myself. It is also very quiet in my dorm so I get a lot of my assignments and papers done. One of the biggest positives from dorm life at UW- Green Bay is only having to share a bathroom with one other person. This is a big change from what I’ve been used to at home, when I was sharing with about 4 people. Another positive thing about dorm life is the independence you gain from living in a dorm room. I am doing more on my own than I ever did at home. For instance, I have to rely on myself more than I ever did living with my parents. I have to clean my room on my own instead of having my parents telling me to clean it. 

Not only have there been positive parts of dorm life, but also there have been negative parts. One of my biggest struggles is all the funky smells that happen in the hallways of the dorm. My dorm room is right next to the lounge where people cook, so when they are making something that doesn’t have the best smell, my roommate and I definitely smell it. Another negative part of dorm life is the fire alarms. For instance, the other night at midnight the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate our dorm because someone burned something while cooking in the lounge. My biggest struggle overall about dorm life is that since the dorm rooms are very small they can become cluttered very quickly. I will clean my room and then the next day it will be messy again because I do not have enough space for all my things to go. 



College is not like the Movies

          There have been a lot of positive parts of college already. For instance, I have this new found independence. I used to not be able to go anywhere by myself and not be able to eat anywhere by myself, but now it feels like that’s all I do. I also have my own schedule that I work around. Being able to do what I want or need without asking a parent for permission has been very nice. One of the biggest positives this semester has been not having to go to an 8 a.m. class and my earliest class being at 9:30 a.m. This extra time to sleep in is one of the best things about my college experience. I also enjoy all the time I have to work on homework since I only have two classes each day. This has been one of the biggest changes I’ve gone through ,but has been one of the best too. 

          Not only have there been positive parts of college, but also there have been negative parts. One of my biggest struggles is only seeing my family once a month at most. My sisters and I are very close in age, so we are used to hanging out every day. But now that I’m living four hours away, I’m not able to spend time with them. Another part of college I’ve struggled with the most is the workload. The workload in high school is very different from the workload in college. For instance, high school teachers would give me somewhere between 2-3 weeks on projects and essays while in college I get at most a week to complete those same tasks. Also in high school there was more homework in classes while in college there are more exams  and projects. These are all my personal positive and negative parts of college so far. And hopefully I have more positive parts than negative parts. 


