Talk to You Later

Long Distance Video Call

       “Mom? Hey you’ll never believe… No… Okay, I’ll let you get back… Love you, too… Bye.” 

       Calling home every day seems like a natural response. After all, we talked to our families every day when we were home. My Super-Secret Suggestion for Success is to make a schedule. Believe me, nothing so interesting happens that they can’t be updated weekly. Mind you, this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule. Problems come up, thoughts pop in and out, and sometimes you just need advice and someone to vent to. For me it sometimes feels like not hearing from my parents every day has made our relationship better. First off, it’s harder to argue with each other when you’re not in the other’s space. I also tend to feel like conversations with my family are more of an indulgence when you can just update on your life and catch up with the people you love.

       This of course is opposed to knowing exactly what’s going on with the people around you and having very little to converse about, and instead arguing. On the flip side, I know quite a few peers who do call home every day. While I don’t think this is the best idea, there’s nothing wrong with it. Even my mom calls her mom almost every day. I don’t know how much they actually have to talk about to each other, but it works for them. I, however, believe that a little bit of distance emotionally and physically helps to foster and develop a sense of independence that is needed for success in the adult world. 

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