“I’m So Proud of You”

There are many things I have to be proud of in terms of college. The biggest thing I am proud of so far is simply the fact that I am in college. I am a first generation college student so for me and my family it is a big deal that I went to college. To many people the thought of going to college is normal and expected, but for me it has always sort of been an idea, but I never thought of it as a reality. Because no one in my family went to college, I did not know what to expect and how I was going to do. I struggled with the fear of failing, and to be honest I still do, but I can confidently say that I am proud of myself for even going in the first place and making it this far. My dad constantly tells me “I’m so proud of you” and it truly means a lot. My parents being proud of me has led me to start being proud of myself. Now that I have been here for a few months it is starting to feel normal, but at times I take a step back and think about how I’m actually at college and that I really should be proud of myself.


Not only am I proud of myself for going to college, but I am also proud of how I am doing. So far I am doing well in all of my classes. I have kept up with the work and not fallen behind on any assignments. I also do not have any missing assignments. My grades are doing good: I get good results on most of my quizzes, exams, assignments, and papers. The workload has honestly been a lot but I am proud of myself for being able to keep up with it all. I get overwhelmed very easily and when I have a lot to do or a lot of work that starts to pile up I get very stressed out. I do find myself getting stressed out a lot but I ultimately overcome these feelings, which I believe is something to be proud of. I have always been a decent student but academics have never really been my strong suit. However I believe that I will continue to do well in school and therefore continue to feel proud of myself.

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