Dorm Life Stinks

Dorm life kind of stinks. The people in my building literally do not talk to anyone. They all already have their groups and will not even try to be kind to me or anyone else. They all sit in the lounge in the dorm and glare at me when I enter. It is not a good feeling to be excluded, let alone being treated like you did something bad when you did nothing at all. Moreover, you must live in these crappy small boxes that are either too warm or too cold. You can’t even open your windows when it gets too hot in your room because it is too cold outside. The sink is always plugged somehow, even after someone just came in to fix it. The only good thing about the dorm building is the lounge, but you can’t even go into it without feeling judged every second you’re in there. I only go there to make myself some decent food, but they all demand that I give them some food every time. It’s my food, not yours.

Living in the freshman dorms, you must have a meal plan, which stinks just like the food they serve in the dining hall. The food there is either the same food as every other day or something new which is honestly disgusting. I would much rather not have a meal plan at all and just go grocery shopping and cook everything. Then I would be able to spend money only on what I need and be able to cook food I like. It probably would be cheaper not having a meal plan anyway. I could do cook food that is edible for me and my friends. The few friends I made here so far are the best and nicest people I have ever met. They make living here with the stinky dorm like so much better.

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