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Living in a dorm is a great way to get the full college experience, and there are many positives. Living in the dorm is nice, because you don’t have to waste gas driving to school. Your car does not leave unless you want to go somewhere or have a job. Also, you can just get up ten minutes before class and walk there and be on time. Besides getting to sleep longer, you can always take advantage of all of the stuff offered to students. Other than use the stuff that is given to you. You get to meet new people in dorms by talking in the lounge or in the living room depending what dorm you are in. Other than getting to meet new people, the events are easy to go to if you live on campus because if it is late you don’t have to drive if you live on campus. Therefore, It is nice to have a dorm if you have 2 hours off from class and can just go chill in your dorm tell class.


Although I enjoy living in the dorm, dorm life is not all good. You could get a roommate that is a pain to deal with or is disrespectful and doesn’t turn his tv off or ps4. This can make it hard to study or get enough sleep.  The roommate can be super loud while playing games late at night or during the day. Other than the roommate, if you would leave for an hour off campus, it is hard to find a parking spot that is close to your class or dorm because the parking lots are not finished or too small to have all the student’s cars there. On the other hand, the construction work they have going on, on campus it is hard to sleep in or just try to relax or work on homework. Finally, there is no AC so that cannot be fun when it is hot outside. 

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