In The Middle

The change from High school to college has been very hard but also easy in some ways. In college the teachers and people are very kind and everyone is willing to help you. It is nothing like high school. I struggled on my Water Science exam and asked for extra help from my professor and she sat down with me and gave me the help I needed. I really appreciated that because in high school a lot of teachers just say that they cannot help you and you have to deal with it. This happened a lot in my math and history classes. My teachers were very strict and picked favorites to help but not others. It was very hard for me because when I would go to those teachers they would tell me that they could not help me. In college professors are understanding and very helpful because they want to see you succeed. 

Another thing that has been very different from college and high school is the drive for me. Instead of driving 8 minutes to school everyday I now drive 50 minutes from home to UWGB and then another 50 minutes back to my high school. I used to go to school for 8 hours everyday. Now I go to college every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 2 hours and then I go back to high school for 2 hours. This has been a big change for me because it gives me a lot of extra time to do homework and sleep in. Overall I have loved college life. I have made new friends and connected with my teachers/professors. The classes are much harder but it is teaching me what college life will be like when I graduate. This makes me excited to continue my life at UWGB and continue to grow and succeed. 


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