
When I chose to live in dorms rather than staying at home, I didn’t know what to expect. When I was younger, I never had siblings to share a room with. Despite that, having a roommate is going okay. Living in a large building with multiple floors is new to me and I do not like many people in one place. People have been one of the main reasons I have been frustrated. There are not as many people trying to make friends as I thought.  I also do not enjoy how the lounge is always busy. Sometimes I want to go downstairs and do homework in the lounge, but I wouldn’t be able to focus. Another downside is that the water is disgusting. It is not clear and I can see stuff floating in it. However the heat is probably the worst thing. It is very warm in the dorms, even with two fans. 

Although there have been some difficulties with transitioning to dorm life, there are many more pros than cons. Trying to meet new people is one of the things that I really enjoy about living in the dorms. Another would be having my own area. I like rearranging furniture and experimenting with the space. However there had been some difficulties with my past residential hall, but all has been well since I moved into R.E. Small.  My new roommate and I get along very well and we are good about figuring out who will do what.  We are like two ships passing in the night, which is really nice because we both get alone time. Although I really miss home, I enjoy living in the dorms. Being able to do whatever I want is also something I enjoy. I am able to make anything I want, and hang out with who I want when I want. In my opinion, being close to 

classes are the best part about living in dorms. Not having to worry about my car every day is so nice. I will definitely be continuing to live in the dorms throughout future semesters.




2 thoughts on “Cellmate”

  1. I really like your title and laughed when I first read it. I am happy that you enjoy your dorm life now that you moved into a new building.

  2. Having roommates can be stressful! Especially if you don’t click with each other. One thing that I always loved about having roommates though, or living in dorms is that if you are ever bored you can go next door to a friends room and see what is going on. Sometimes it’s hard, but embrace it when you can!

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