It’s Good But…

Being used to having my own room, an abundance of food in the kitchen, only my sister in the next room, and plenty of bathroom space, college was a huge adjustment for me. Over the past month, I have noticed a few negative things about living in a dorm with many other college freshmen. The loud banging sounds above me, random screams in the halls or outside, slamming doors, some not so good smells lingering down the halls have occurred frequently, and people forgetting to take their laundry out of the washing machine. Another challenge that occurs every day is not being super close with my roommate, having to clean up after her, wake her up in the mornings, and not feeling very comfortable in the room. However, I have come to realize that dorm life is not as terrible as it seems even with the lack of space and being without my family.


Dorm life has always been scary to me, but now that it is reality it isn’t so bad after all. Instead of having to drive to my friends’ houses, I can walk downstairs and hang out in their room every night. I also love the alone time I have because the best part of my day is when I can clean, do laundry, watch Netflix, and study when everyone is in class. I would also say being able to hang out with my friends, and being around my softball team has been a huge help for my homesickness as well. What I love most is at nighttime there are always people hanging out in the kitchen making treats, watching tv, playing pool and ping pong, and overall making my new home a nice place to be. This has been one of the most interesting but awesome months of my life, which has made this adjustment so much easier.

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