Cold Drives

            Life as a commuter has been amazing. Commuting gives me the time to myself in my day where I can decompress even though it is only about a five-minute drive. I can get into my car, crank my music, and just be left to my thoughts. I enjoy it in the mornings because it allows me to mentally prepare myself for the day. Not that my days are super strenuous or hard, but getting those five minutes to myself in the morning helps set my day up for success. I also find that I can get into a better gym routine because once I come to campus I do not leave until my day is done. When I have two hours between classes, I will go work out and then eat lunch. It gives me a reset for my afternoons and is also good for my physical health. Even if I do not have time between classes, I go in the evening because I tell myself, “I am here. It is free. So why not?” It helps me with my sleep schedule as well, because when I don’t I often struggle to get the sleep I need.  

            As much as I do love the commuter lifestyle and that it provides me with an amazing “work-life” balance, it does have its drawbacks. I do not have a meal plan, so I must cook every meal. Luckily, I do have lots and lots of help from my wife, but some days it would just have been nice not to have to worry about packing our lunches. Another part of it that I have not had to worry about yet but will be soon is having to clean my car off in the mornings after it snowed or waiting for my windows to defrost. I have not experienced a full winter in a few years and am beyond excited for the seasons again, but clearing off my car is one part I am not looking forward to. I wish I had a remote start on my car so I could warm it up before I step out into the cold, but that is a luxury I will have to earn another day. After all, earning luxuries like that is why we come to college, right? 

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