Blog Entry #1 – A Growing Experience

Avery Wotruba                                        Wotruba 1
Professor Toonen
First Year Writing T/T 930

A Growing Experience

    These first couple of weeks of college have been some of the most interesting times of my life.  I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities my peers have shown me and I haven't regretted my decision to chase a higher education for a second.  Now officially being here, I am understanding more and more how much I really need to put forth to prove myself to those around me.  The last thing I want is to just pay for the college experience, I want to walk away from college with good memories as well as a set path that can lead me to the future I'm looking for.  I originally imagined that college wouldn't be too different from high school, however I've definitely been put in my place as my expectations were not all reality.
    One thing that has been painfully apparent, is that I was expecting a surplus of free time.  In reality, there really is not that much free time.  The workload for college is far more demanding than I originally thought it would be, and its made me realize just how much I need to work on my time management and dedication to ensuring that I achieve the goals I have for myself.  Something that has gone more according to plan would have to be the social aspect of college.  I have met so many people in the first couple of weeks and I even joined the volleyball team.  I am so thankful for the new friendships that have fostered because of my decision to live on campus and I love how many activities there are almost every day.  The expectations I had were not entirely unfounded, but they require significant adjustments to align those expectations with the realities of college.

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