“How’s School, How’s the Job?”

How’s life? Life so far in college has been pretty good. At least in terms of being comfortable with the workload. Now, when I say comfortable, I mean I know what is to be expected in college. Not to be confused with “I am used to the work, and it’s easy and I am handling it!”, which I am not but compared to when I struggled as an Early College Credit Program student, I can say that I am glad my expectations have not changed. Those expectations are the workload and what assignments are like. Basically, I know what to expect. Being a commuter all I can say is Gas is expensive but living at home does save me money so I’m happy with the give and take. All I can say for the whole college experience is truthfully I have nothing too interesting to talk about. Nothing new to share my thoughts on that I haven’t already explored. I have a routine and I have some stability. What more could I ask?


I could answer my own question and say my job situation could be doing better. I went to the psych fair and couldn’t grab any type of position I’m looking for, but I will keep trying. My current work is homework/projects, chores, and other various life tasks I need to do, such as taking care of my baby cousin. He will never stop crying haha! The work however doesn’t stop there as my hobbies also need work put in. My hobbies get me paid and the more work I put in the better! It sounds silly but by drawing and creating various projects ( I dabble in video editing and animation), I have been commissioned by multiple people. While my hobbies are tiresome and can be at times hard, I love them! What’s a hobby without some pain? Now, after everything is said and done, I can finally relax, hang out with my friends, and play games!

One thought on ““How’s School, How’s the Job?””

  1. I love the title! I think your blog is reliable to so many people. I am sure your life is just crazy handling everything, but your blog was so interesting to read. I loved it!

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