False Expectations

In high school, teachers and administrators always told me, “college is very difficult and professors are strict.” So, why wouldn’t you believe them? Coming into college, my expectations were that classes would be extremely hard. My expectations were that I would have a lot of homework, and not much free time. When I was in high school, I would always see the older kids and watch them experience college through social media, I would think “wow that looks like a lot of fun”. Some people I saw were best friends with their roommate, and others I would see just having a good time with other friends they met. Nobody showed the homework or the classes they took, so the only thing I knew was what my teachers were telling me. The way I have perceived college so far is you just must experience it yourself because everyone’s experience is going to be different.

In some aspects, the reality of college is better than my expectations. On the other hand, some are not as good as I expected. The classes I took this semester, and my professors were definitely better than my expectations. I was told the professors at college are going to be strict, not accept late work, and give lots of homework. The professors I have worked with so far are very understanding and as long as I communicate with them on what is going on, they understand we have lives outside of their class. I am working on homework a lot of my day, but the amount of homework I have had so far is not overwhelming like I expected it to be. In the beginning, everything will be a little overwhelming because it is new but for the most part, I have been adjusting to it. One of the things I expected to be better was my roommate situation. My roommate is very nice, but we don’t have similar interests. I am happy I found two other friends I enjoy spending a lot of my time with. I have learned it is good to have expectations but sometimes they are not always accurate.

Source: istockphoto

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