Pros and Cons of Online Courses—-Save Time & Fouse Question

The biggest benefit of online courses has been demonstrated during the pandemic, and that is that it doesn’t care about time and space. As long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you can take online classes anytime and anywhere. This great convenience is one of the main advantages of online courses. Another advantage of online courses is the variety of choices they offer. Different from the traditional face-to-face class model, there are now many teachers who upload their teaching videos to the Internet, some of them are charged, some are paid. But in any case, if you want study any subject now, as long as search keywords on big video sites like YOUTUBE, you can get instructional videos from different teachers. You can find your favorite instructional videos just like watching a movie. This is particularly beneficial in subjects like mathematics, physics, and other sciences. It’s great that when I’m learning something new in math, I can explore different online courses to discover alternative approaches or methods that I may not have encountered before

Although there are many advantages to online courses, for me, traditional face to-face teaching is more suitable for me, and online courses can be used as a supplement. The reason for this is because of the biggest disadvantage of online courses – the inability to concentrate. For college students, this and the disadvantages do not affect them much, but for middle school students, these and disadvantages are fatal. When the epidemic broke out in China in 2019, I was a middle school student, and although the school teachers would livestream classes every day, I would still secretly play games. If this is the case for live broadcasts, then no students will watch other recorded courses. Therefore, in the case of insufficient supervision or lack of self-discipline, the efficiency of online courses is very low, especially for middle school students, who are the most playful.


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