Online courses! Good or Bad?



WF MWF 9:30

Online courses came onto the stage during the pandemic. They have become a popular way to study nowadays. Of course, they have many pros. Online course is extremely convenient under certain circumstances. They won’t be limited by classrooms or distance. Students were stuck at home during pandemic but were still taking classes. The isolation didn’t stop the flowing of knowledge. Additionally, online courses give more freedoms to students. For example, some online courses are recorded. Which means students can take them anytime they want and change their plan easily if they get sick or something. Their schedules are more flexible this way. Another pro is that online courses meet some students’ need. For those who don’t like to go out or shy. Online courses provide a good relief to them. They don’t need to walk through winds and rains for classes.

Despite the pros, online courses also have cons. There was a fun story during the pandemic, my math teacher randomly opened a student’s camera. He found the student was holding his cell phone, laughing loudly. Then he raised his head, said weakly, “sorry~”. That was a funny scene, but it does reveal the problem that students are not focused enough during online course. They may on their phones or looking at other tabs on their computers. This will no doubt reduce learning effectiveness. Another point is that online courses could make students easily fall behind because it’s harder to ask questions during classes. They can’t easily raise their hands as they used to. Students can only write emails to ask questions which can’t express themselves clearly. Once students are not self-discipline enough, they may struggle.

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