Why Can’t I Start On Time?

Procrastination on schoolwork has been something that I have been doing for a very long time. I always tell myself “I’ll just start later!” and then later ends up turning into the night before it is due. Since college has started, I have been trying to get better with not procrastinating, but I still have some troubles. I think the reason it is so hard for me is because I am good at it. I will wait until the night  before a project is due to start working on it, get no sleep, and then still turn it in on time and get a good grade. For my public speaking class I had last year in high school, I had to give a speech about my friend that was in that class with me. I didn’t work on the speech at all, until the night before it was due. I stayed up the entire night writing note cards and practicing to make sure I hit the time requirement. I then went to school off of about an hour of sleep, and got an A on the speech. I just tell myself that if I keep doing well while procrastinating, why change? If it ain’t broke don’t fix it right?

Even though I end up with a pretty good grade, the whole process of procrastinating ends up being very stressful. Instead of starting the project when I should, I will spend the entire week doing other things like playing video games or reading books. While I’m distracting myself from the project by doing these other things, I will be stressing out about the project. Even though I am relaxed and having fun in the moment, I know that when I eventually have to start the project that it will be very stressful because I will have to do the entire thing in roughly one night. Over the last couple of months, I have been trying out new things to help me not procrastinate. One thing that has helped me is doing my school work outside where there is not any distractions. This obviously only works some of the time, because the weather is not the best during the school year. Hopefully as I continue through college I will find new ways to overcome the thought process of procrastination.





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