Stressed Out

Ever since high school, I’ve found myself increasingly more stressed out than usual. Although I’m not exactly sure what the actual reason is, I can make a few assumptions. My first reason would be my busy schedule, between school and my job. Once I turned sixteen and was able to start driving and working, I started a job to help pay for college. This was in my Sophomore year of high school, and ever since then, I have been working every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and every other weekend. My shifts on the weekdays are usually from 3pm to 9pm, so it ends up being really difficult to work on assignments on those days. Because of this, I try to work on everything on either the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or weekends that I’m off, but then that leaves almost no free time. This is unfortunate because then I cannot hang out with my friends or work out, some hobbies of mine that I enjoy.

On top of a busy schedule, my workload has also greatly increased. While it wasn’t too bad in high school, it has definitely gotten worse in college, and this semester is very different from my last semester. Last semester, much of my work throughout all of my five classes was multiple choice-based assignments, with multiple choice quizzes sprinkled throughout. There were only two classes which I wrote essays and papers for, but that was usually only for midterms and finals. Now, all of my classes are writing-based. Every assignment I’ve done so far has been some form of writing, and I don’t think I’ve had a multiple-choice assignment yet. Unfortunately because of this, I seem to have even less free time.

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